Now I know what you think when you think about Cloth Diapering... "I don't want to deal with poopy diapers and all the maintenance that comes with them." Well I am here to tell you that the only extra step you have to take is to empty the solids into the toilet (like you should be doing with any disposable) and then tossing them into the wash.... now with some cloth diapers you will have to touch the dirtyness and take out the insert, but with the ones I use you don't have to touch anything yucky lol. I use Smartie Pants.
Now I love these diapers! these are pocket diapers, which mean they have a pocket that fits an insert that hold all the moisture from baby's eliminations. These diapers fit a child from 7lbs to 35lbs. They can do that because they have snaps that can adjust the rise and how tight around the waist they can be. And they are great at holding in everything! Now say you wanted to give them a try but weren't really up to spending the $14.95 per diaper( the more you buy the cheaper they get).
You could go to This Blog and enter in the giveaway she has going for this exact diaper. I have entered and so should you... Have a great day!
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