August 18, 2011

Eye Drops and Staying Sane

So on Monday morning I noticed that Alicia's eye was bloodshot... and at first I just thought it was allergies so I gave her some Benadryl. Nothing happened in fact it got worse. Well I had to go down to CVS to get some stuff so I figured I would ask the Pharmacist about it... so he looked at her eye asked some questions and said that I should have her looked at.  So Tuesday we went to the Dr. office..

PINK EYE!!!!!!!

 lol so the Dr. gave me the prescription and gave me some tips on how to get these tiny little drops into a two year old's eye. 2 drops 4 times a day! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Very Funny!!

Let me tell you it has been challenging!! the fighting , kicking and screaming Bloody Murder!! WOW
But for her last dose for tonight it was surprisingly easy... almost no fighting! yay!!!
Just 2 more days of this... fun fun!

And for those of you who don't know... Pink Eye comes from Fecal matter coming in contact with your eyes... and apparently there is a viral and non viral. viral you get meds for and the other you don't.

Sorry to bore you all. Have a great night!

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